2024: Sublime DSV, battered Kuehne, after a year to remember
It’s in the numbers – and mind the (Schenker) gap
DB Schenker is different from the others. It has some serious chutzpah – most recently evidenced by its Damco customer ‘supporting’ strategy.
But the audacious manner in which it tried to charm Maersk customers is not the only example.
Let’s start at the beginning, or near the beginning, anyway. Remember the air cargo cartel accused of price-fixing surcharges? When the airlines had to pay out more than $2bn and eight people went to prison?
Essentially, the airlines were trying to work out a fuel ...
Carriers unveil Panama Canal transit surcharges for new year
The Loadstar explains: port automation
HMM to return to the transatlantic, as ONE teams up with Ocean Alliance
Multimodal negotiable cargo documents a step closer to reality
USPS privatisation would change the dynamics of rocky US final-mile landscape
The paradoxes of port productivity
Ocean and Premier alliances plan jointly operated transatlantic networks
US port dispute: 'the carriers and USMX are going to lose this battle'
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