Bill of lading and Invoice
© Kostyantine Pankin

The container shipping industry could save itself up to $4bn a year if half of all bills of lading (B/Ls) were dealt with digitally, according to the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA).

The DCSA is using the coronavirus pandemic to accelerate its mission to introduce electronic B/Ls to the shipping industry.

CEO Thomas Bagge told The Loadstar yesterday the association’s financial modelling had concluded that container shipping could save $4bn a year with just a 50% adoption rate of eB/Ls.

Based on the ...

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  • Frederik decockbuning

    May 19, 2020 at 8:11 pm

    Dear Editors , this is one of the secrets to help the carrier to survive !
    but not only the BL also the factual Ebilling is instrumental to the solution.
    I can help you out with more details.
    Frederik deCockBuning