Concept time is money.


One of Wall Street’s first takes on ambitious plans by XPO/RXO/GXO founder Brad Jacobs in the building products field through new company QXO says creating an efficient supply chain is key to the company’s long-term success.

A report by analysts Scott Schneeberger and Daniel Hultberger at Oppenheimer & Co. makes numerous references to the synergies possible in the distribution of building products, a process that they and Jacobs alike note is highly fragmented.

Unlike most reports by equity analysts, the Oppenheimer report on QXO (NASDAQ: QXO) does not come with a buy, sell or hold rating. The company has no revenue beyond the small stream of income from SilverSun, the software company that Jacobs acquired to serve as a vessel for going public. It has yet to make its first acquisition. (The report notes that Jacobs, president and CEO at QXO, has been involved in more than 500 of them in his career.)

The full post can be read here.

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