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Corporate sentiment is weak overall given financial conditions, according to J.P. Morgan’s proprietary AI quant model.

The JPM Quant Sentiment Indicators are based on a proprietary artificial intelligence/natural language processing engine “that objectively measures management sentiment for key macro drivers based on public company filings and transcripts for S&P 500 (SP500) (NYSEARCA:SPY) (IVV) (VOO) companies.”

Aggregate sentiment has a QSI score for the S&P 500 at the 32.7th percentile.

The QSI on Federal Reserve monetary policy is at a multi-year low at the 12.2 percentile, similar to levels last seen in 2008.

On the cost of capital, the QSI came down at the 5th percentile, while credit risk was at the 13th percentile…

The full post is here.

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