Port privatisation off, but Santos STS10 terminal concession will be up for grabs
Brazil’s Ministry for Ports and Airports has decided to expand the container handling capacity of ...
Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP), began the New Year with the establishment of two new productivity records. On February 10th while working the 6328 TEU capacity MSC Geneva, 206 moves per hour (MPH) were achieved while handling 1,980 containers, representing 44 crane moves per hour (MPH), surpassing the previous record of 35 crane MPH set in January.
Maersk eyes 'cut and run' moves as port congestion brings delays
Maersk skips call at Rotterdam as labour issues bring delay
Blanked voyages fail to halt sliding spot rates, and March GRIs will be resisted
U-turn on de minimis ban, following 'processing issues', as trade war heats up
Metals tariff rocks auto industry, and Trump smiles on bribes in foreign deals
CBP won't be ready for flood of extra processing after de minimis pause
Near-shoring drives Mexican warehouse space to historic lows
Ecommerce platforms cancel flights and slash capacity – market is 'a mess'
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