cma cgm jamaica
© Ganeshkumar Durai

With the recent phase-in of a larger capacity vessel up to 1,800 TEU on the Indian Ocean Feeder 2, CMA CGM would like to share with you the new complete set up of our Indian Ocean Feeder network with the introduction of a 6th loop Indian Ocean Feeder.


To support the positive commercial exchanges in the dynamic Indian Ocean market and Intra Africa with more space and increased reliability of our product in the region, we are glad to announce effective mid-June 2018:


  • Majunga and Diego Suarez ports on IO Feeder 1 will benefit of increased capacity
  • Upsize of IO Feeder 2 with a vessel of 1,800 TEU, more space in Tamatave and Port Louis
  • Improved frequency in Diego Suarez and Nossi Be with a call every 21 days
  • IO Feeder 6, new dedicated shuttle serving Vohemar with every 10-day frequency
  • Intra Indian Ocean extended with a new link Tamatave > Longoni

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