
A couple of years have passed since the management team at DSV promised it would strike another large deal ? now, given market talk spurred by the latest corporate events at AP Møller-Maersk Group (APMM), DSV’s most likely target might be APMM’s freight forwarding arm, Damco FF.

Deal or no deal?

Sources with knowledge of internal affairs have told me that as Damco restructures and reorganises its logistics and freight forwarding businesses, calls from head office have reached some employees, while other senior staff remain in limbo.

“This ...

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  • Puneet Chaturvedi

    October 11, 2018 at 8:51 am

    Dear Mr. Pasetti,

    Thanks for sharing the analysis, good one. I agree with your thoughts that DSV really needs to convince investors that this will be again a growth story (I doubt).
    If it is done then it needs careful intricate re-organisation process. There was no mention of the heavy investment which is done on there IT platform “TWILL”.

    Lovely reading your article. Looking forward for more.

    • Ale Pasetti

      October 11, 2018 at 4:12 pm

      Many thanks, great to hear you find our coverage useful! I am looking closely at Twill, and associated investment needs; hope I’ll be able to share some additional insight soon.

