price value © Olivier Le Moal |
© Olivier Le Moal

At some point San Francisco-based Shyp claimed a valuation of $250m; at the end of March the portal that had started out offering a simple worldwide shipping solution to small merchants ended its four-year run and shut down its operations. Efforts to stem its losses in the wake of a rapid expansion by pulling out of New York, Chicago and Los Angeles and focusing on core activities brought some relief, but too little too late, according to Shyp CEO Kevin ...

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  • Gary Ferrulli

    April 10, 2018 at 3:50 pm

    The technology companies who boast of “valued at” numbers are mostly hype – not all of course, but here is perfect example. Good press releases which most press just accepts and publishes, year later, another one, just like this.
    Technology is extremely important, but like other industries, far too many players all chasing the same gold ring. Not all can grab it.