Module für ersten Abhitzedampferzeuger für Megaprojekt in Ägypten / The modules for the first HRSG for Egypt
Die Module für den ersten Abhitzedampferzeuger für das Gas- und Dampfturbinenkraftwerk in Beni Suef werden in Südkorea auf einen Schwergutfrachter verladen One of the HRSG modules for the Beni Suef combined cycle power plant is loaded into the vessel in South Korea.

Modules for a state-of-the-art heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and destined for the Beni Suef power plant in Egypt, are loaded aboard the AAL Dalian in South Korea. Commissioned by global logistics provider the LPL Group, this is the first of a series of cargo shipments that AAL will undertake between Asia and the Red Sea for the Siemen’s Megaproject in Egypt – a project that includes the development of three 4.8 gigawatt turnkey combined power plants in Beni Suef, Burullus and New Capital.

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