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Maersk has told The Loadstar its subpoena by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) is tied to an “ongoing investigation into supply chain disruption”.

However, with no official announcement or response from the DOJ to requests for comment, there is scant detail on why the world’s second-largest container line has been subpoenaed.

The carrier’s North America spokesperson, Tom Boyd, confirmed to The Loadstar that  it was linked to the investigation, adding: “We have not seen evidence of any actual or alleged wrongdoing on ...

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  • Neil Baillie

    March 20, 2022 at 5:43 am

    HMM April Melbourne- Busan rate$550, up$50 from March, based on this we sign contract with our customers. May rate just advised $950, still waiting on explanation as to what would cause such a hike… just one of many examples