Bruno De Saegher

Bruno De Saegher will become the new CEO of Antwerp Airport and Ostend-Bruges Airport as of 1 September 2024, succeeding Eric Dumas, who has led both airports since late 2020. 

Mr De Saegher will join from his previous role as chairman of the Airport Development Company Flanders (LOM Flanders) where he has worked since 2015.  

Ostend-Bruges Airport said: “His appointment comes at a strategic time, right after the granting of a new environmental permit for Antwerp Airport and during the advanced stage of the application for Ostend-Bruges Airport. The new CEO has an immediate prospect to implement the new environmental permit and build on the future development of both airports. 

“With De Saegher, EGIS – the French company that operates the airports through the LEMs – once again chooses a Dutch-speaking CEO with in-depth knowledge of the dossiers and a good understanding of the socio-economic situation and societal sensitivities surrounding the airports.” 

In recent years, Mr De Saegher has also been active as a district councilor in Berchem but had previously indicated that he would step down from politics and would not run again in the municipal elections on 13 October. 

Speaking on his new role, Mr De Saegher said: “I look forward to working with my colleagues and all involved parties on the further development of Antwerp Airport and Ostend-Bruges Airport.  

“Both airports have great potential and are essential for supporting the economy. I am confident that we can develop the airports in a sustainably responsible manner.” 


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