Hong_Kong_Express_in_DCT2 (3)

Ocean carriers have geared up for the third quarter peak season with the announcement of hefty rate increases and surcharges, but according to a shipper poll undertaken by Drewry this year’s peak season could turn out to be yet another damp squib for the container lines.

Shippers were asked by Drewry what their volume expectations were for the traditional July, August and September peak season months, to which 35% said they expected volumes to be lower than last year, with only ...

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    August 04, 2016 at 12:45 pm

    Dear Sir

    The exporter looking friendly service from all service provider,
    present all shipping line implemented VGM, even the light weight cargo exporter also suffering lot of problem, the different carrier brought their own procedures,
    ultimate the middleman is suffering all the problems.

    some one did the wrong thinks should not apply to all,

    Thanks & Best Regards