US warehouse lease rates climb even as demand for space slows
Warehousing landlords are poised to make more money this year without adding to their footprint, ...
A growing network of delivery lockers across the UK is being touted as one way that logistics operators can keep pace with the explosive growth of e-commerce.
Ian Caminsky, the recently appointed UK chief executive of Polish courier and e-commerce fulfilment company InPost, told The Loadstar that delivery lockers – where deliveries of e-commerce goods can be made or consumers can place goods to be returned – would reduce the large number of delivery failures to consumers’ homes as well as ...
Latest strike will cause ‘massive' disruption at German airports
CMA CGM pledges $20bn investment to boost US supply chains
CMA CGM could build medium-size vessels in US, says Saade
Asia-Europe FAK price hikes manage to halt 13-week rate decline
Airlines rethink strategy as ecommerce to US begins decline
Box ship in collision with tanker off UK coast
Freightmate 'a product of theft, not ingenuity' says Flexport
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