© Choneschones winners
© Choneschones

Leading cargo transport insurer TT Club has opened entries to its award for innovation in safety.

The award is for those “making a significant difference to safety in cargo transport”.

TT Club noted: “Now more than ever the challenge to everyone in the global freight industry is to drive safety forward.

“Developing technologies combined with knowledge and experience at all levels can significantly enhance how we manage very real risks to our people, cargoes and services. Risks such as explosion, fire, fall, crush, run over and moving objects require ongoing control in ports and onboard ships.

“The better industry gets at this, the better the results for life, limb, cargo and infrastructure, the better the work for workforces and the more sustainable and successful the organisations that we depend on.

“The opportunity exists not just to prevent headline grabbing events, but also day-to-day incidents that may be less in the media spotlight but can affect both shore-side workers and ships’ crew.”

The award is sponsored by TT Club, and organised by ICHCA.

“Our list of previous innovative ideas to increase the safe working of our industry is impressive,” said Richard Steele, CEO of ICHCA.

“We are pleased to have had the opportunity to spotlight their passion and creativity for not just doing the right things right, but doing them better. Every year we speak to people who have genuinely innovated, but just see it as part of their job. We urge all those who have made positive changes to the way they do safety either for themselves or for others through their products or services to enter this year’s award.

“The most exciting part of the award is the resultant sharing of knowledge and forward-looking thought that can deliver valuable advancements in safety.  They will make a difference now!”

Previous safety solutions highlighted by the award include a netting system to prevent fatal falls in cargo holds; a device for enhancing mooring safety; a standardised digital platform for terminals to carry out vessel inspections; and improvements in the safety and stability of containers on ships.

TT Club said it welcomes all entries before the 15 November closing date. The judging criteria and entry form can be accessed here.

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    ICHCA TT Club