Analysis: Mainfreight on the grill
BBQ time
Having said what had to be said on New Zealand’s Mainfreight* (MFT), here’s a quick add-on based on what others thought post-fiscal 2024 results out yesterday, 29 May.
(*At our end: focus was on what sets it apart (qualitatively) from the rest of the lot in forwarding, while surely acknowledging here that with a market cap of NZ$6.9bn (U$4.2bn) it is dwarfed by its major listed rivals.)
In one reaction note (headed: ’SnapShot’) after another out today (’Hard yards’), the analysts at UBS ...
Airfreight expected to take a hit from de minimis exemption suspension
Disappointing results for DSV – and Schenker integration will impact revenue
Maersk paying $100,000 a day to charter scarce post-panamax box ships
US delays tariffs on Mexico for one month as it starts negotiations
De minimis cut won't hurt demand for Chinese ecommerce, but for air cargo?
Tariff truce for Canada and Mexico – China retaliates, but lightly
More blanked sailings: 'Carriers will not sit on their hands while rates collapse'
Trend for vertical integration may not be right for multimodal transport
Gemini and logistics growth now the focus as APMM posts healthy profits
DSV hits back in 'bait and switch' case, claiming deal was not legally binding
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