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The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has reiterated its call for the Russian government to rethink its recent refusal to accept TIR guarantees.

Last week Russia’s Federal Customs Service (FCS) announced that it had added the Volga region to the list of areas where the TIR Carnet would no longer be accepted for international road shipments into Russia.

TIR Convention is the UN-recognised scheme for road haulage movements across international borders and customs regimes, which eliminates the need for customs agencies in ...

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  • Shaytoonemamooli

    October 23, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    Just another example of the crudely extortionate mafia-state we know as Russia in which criminality is the zeitgeist of a regime which in many respects hasnt’t changed in a thousand years. The key here is whether the German government will be cowed into submission.