

UPS has officially opened its new package sorting and delivery facility in Zaragoza, strengthening its domestic network in Spain and the country’s connection to UPS’s global network.

Occupying more than 4,000m2 the new operation can sort 3,000 packages per hour, a 30% increase compared to the previous facility, thanks to updated processing technology.

The facility is located in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, a dynamic and fastgrowing region home to many small and medium-sized businesses, and where export
volumes grew by nearly 8% last year.1

Some 70% of Spain’s GDP and 50% of its population are located within a 300km radius of the new Zaragoza building, which benefits from strong connections to Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid and the Basque provinces. Its increased capacity also brings benefit to the entire UPS network in Spain, supporting ground cross border trade through Barcelona and international export through the air gateway of Vitoria.

This new centre follows several recent investments in the country. The most recent was a €40 million hub in Barcelona – one of the company’s largest investments in the country. covering an area of more than 24,000m² to sort up to 22,000 packages per hour. Bomi Group, a UPS Company, also opened a new €18 million GMP- and GDPcompliant healthcare storage and distribution facility in Madrid covering an area of 27,500m² and with the capacity to hold 60,000 pallets, making it one of the largest warehouses in the European pharmaceutical sector.

Romina Lorenzo, country manager of UPS Iberia says, “Our investment in Zaragoza represents more than an investment in UPS and our capabilities – it’s an investment in our customers and their growth and success. In the heart of Aragon, this new facility will play an important role in optimizing our Spanish network, supporting increasing international trade and export growth for small and medium enterprises across this promising region.”

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