Nhava Sheva Congestion

Ocean carriers operating out of India’s Nhava Sheva port (JNPT) have voiced serious concerns over tariff hikes by the dominant private terminal operators.

In addition to PSA Mumbai (BMCT) announcing a near 7.5% hike in its service rates from this month, APM Terminals Mumbai, also known as Gateway Terminals India (GTI), has won agreement for a rate increase from May.

Together these terminals command the bulk of containerised export/import volumes passing through JNPT.

Tariffs set by build-operate-transfer (BOT) concessionaires across major landlord Indian ...

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  • Rajeev Kathuria

    April 09, 2023 at 10:58 am

    Terminal Operator are building up any Extra facilities to ramp up the facilty where in Congestion is the norm of the day ,Increasing the Trucker wait more than 4-6 hours ,which is straight loss of income /Time to every one