Transpacific rates poised to rise as liner networks come under pressure
Transpacific container rates could spike to highs not seen since early 2022, if the Red ...
The true cost of shipping from Asia has for some time exceeded even the highly elevated container spot market rates, with the payment of carrier premium fees fast becoming a prerequisite to secure shipment.
Notwithstanding the traditional seasonal volatility of spot rates, ocean carrier surcharges are generally regarded as temporary and, as such, included in short-term rate offers, but increasingly shipping lines are demanding premium fees on top, and shippers find that they have no option but to pay or have ...
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Comment on this article
Luis Martinez
July 30, 2021 at 2:31 pmThese lines are taking advantage of this situation which at some point needs to get back to normal due to many economic implications, lines are jeopardizing their own business and the overseas business.