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The independent freight forwarder sector appears to have become the latest victim of internet crime, with several cases of international payments between forwarders being redirected into fraudsters’ accounts.

Over $100,000 has been stolen from WCA members in a series of stings over the past nine months, according to WCA vice-president of customer service Andy Robins.

WCA, the world’s largest network of independent freight forwarders, with over 5,000 members across the world, has monitored an alarming increase in the number of forwarders targeted, ...

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  • Paul Courtney

    February 05, 2015 at 1:57 am

    Dear Loadstar,

    I am wondering the following paragraph should be
    changed from:
    “It suggested that WCA members ought to use PayPal instead.”

    “it was suggested that WCA members ought to use PAY PARTNER instead”

    PAY PARTNER is a WCA internal payment system.


    • Gavin van Marle

      February 05, 2015 at 2:57 pm

      Hi Paul,

      Nope – I’ve seen the correspondence from Barclays, and it (Barclays) specifically suggested PayPal. Certainly WCA management has suggested members use Pay Partner, which is apparently free and can save forwarders a fortune in cross-border banking fees, which is another story altogether.

      Kind regards,


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