A nice little freight story – and possibly a lesson in not wandering around a port drunk, searching for your hotel room. This unfortunate wandered into a container after a night out on the town in Qingdao, China. He woke up an hour before the box’s departure for Los Angeles to find the container sealed. Luckily, he had his phone with him – although locating the right container turned out to be problematic…
Comment on this article
Michael Webber
August 16, 2013 at 6:28 pmReminds me of Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes when he said “I like to have a drink as much as the next guy. The problem is that the next guy is Mel Gibson.”
Michael Kusuplos
August 16, 2013 at 8:31 pmEnjoyed Mr. Webber’s comment very much. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Let’s put all the joking aside for a couple of minutes and look at the security issues here.
First we have a man “wandering around” in port area – Where was the security for this port? How do you wander into a port? With all the new Security issues and regulations that have been deployed one was lead to believe by the “Authorities” that such a thing would not be possible.
Second was the Ocean carrier and the Terminal operator, how did this get past them? After all, they are charging the customer a fee for the security. This situation could leave one to think that they are charging a fee for the “Security Service” but not providing it.
Finally where are the “Authorities” that forced all these addition security processes and expenses on the global trade community? They have forced a changed that is costing us all a great money collectively. Only to learn that we do not receive the value that was mandated.
I feel that such a situation is a bit difficult to laugh at. I wish that editor of this publication would have also!
Leslie Taylor
August 19, 2013 at 6:08 pmAlex,
Thank you for this article. It was definately interesting, informative, and different!