Paris, September 23, 2024 – TotalEnergies and Air France-KLM have signed an agreement for TotalEnergies to supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to Air France-KLM Group airlines, representing up to 1.5 million tons over a 10-year period, until 2035.

This is one of the largest SAF purchase agreements signed by Air France-KLM to date. In 2022 and 2023, Air France-KLM was the world’s leading user of more sustainable aviation fuel, with 17% and 16% of global production, respectively.

Accelerating the decarbonisation of Europe’s aviation sector

This contract follows a memorandum of understanding signed in 2022 which at the time covered the supply of 800,000 tonnes of SAF by TotalEnergies. By re-evaluating this agreement upwards today, the two groups are reaffirming their ambition to limit the climate impact of air transport as quickly as possible by reducing CO2 emissions.

By 2030, Air France-KLM aims to reduce its CO2 emissions per passenger/km by 30% compared to 2019, thanks to fleet renewal, operational measures such as eco-piloting, and the incorporation of at least 10% more sustainable aviation fuel on all its flights. These ambitious goals go beyond regulatory requirements.

The SAF supplied to Air France-KLM will be produced from waste and residues from the circular economy and processed in biorefineries and by co-processing in TotalEnergies’ French and European refineries. It will be used to power flights of Air France-KLM Group airlines departing from France, the Netherlands and other European countries. The development of SAF is at the heart of TotalEnergies’ transition strategy to meet the demand of the aviation sector.

Air France-KLM has implemented a strict procurement policy, purchasing only second-generation biofuels that do not compete with the food or feed chain, and are RSB or ISCC certified for sustainability.

SAFs reduce CO₂ emissions over the entire fuel life cycle by at least 75%, and up to 90%, compared to their fossil equivalent.

“SAF contributes both to the energy transition of our airline customers and to the industrial transition of our refineries. They are therefore a real ‘win-win’ sector of the future for industry and aviation,” said Patrick PouyannéChairman and CEO of TotalEnergies.“For the past 10 years, we have been pioneers and have invested in biorefineries and SAF production units in France and in the development of co-processing in our refineries. Building on these industrial successes, we intend to continue this momentum in Europe and around the world.”

“Securing the volumes of more sustainable aviation fuel needed for our decarbonization is a major challenge. This agreement with TotalEnergies is a further step in this direction, and an illustration of our long-standing support for the development of a SAF production sector in France and Europe. Having a solid sector, capable of meeting the needs of industry, is a key issue of sovereignty and energy independence for Europe,” said Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Air France-KLM.

A long-standing partnership between TotalEnergies and Air France-KLM

The Air France-KLM group and TotalEnergies have been working together for 10 years in the experimentation and use of SAF. This partnership began in 2014 with the
“Lab Line for the Future”, a two-year experiment during which 78 Air France flights between Paris-Orly and Toulouse, and between Paris-Orly and Nice, were powered by 10% SAF supplied by TotalEnergies.

In January 2020, TotalEnergies and Air France participated, alongside Safran and Suez, in the Call for Expressions of Interest launched by the French government for the emergence of a French SAF production sector.

Since 2022, TotalEnergies has been supplying SAF to Air France-KLM Group airlines in France, under the French incorporation mandate.

French and European production of SAF

TotalEnergies is investing heavily and increasing the number of SAF production projects in France and Europe:

  • In Grandpuits : TotalEnergies is transforming the site into a zero-oil platform with an investment of €400 million. Mainly focused on the production of SAF from the circular economy, Grandpuits will be able to produce 210,000 tonnes by 2025 and an additional 75,000 tonnes by 2027.
  • In Normandy: TotalEnergies has started production of SAF at its Gonfreville refinery. TotalEnergies plans to increase production in 2025 to reach up to 160,000 tons per year.
  • At La Mède: TotalEnergies has invested €340 million to transform its refinery into a biorefinery. TotalEnergies has invested an additional €70 million in 2024 to treat up to 100% of waste from the circular economy and produce SAF by 2025. Since 2021, the biodiesel produced in La Mède has already enabled the production of SAF at the TotalEnergies plant in Oudalle near Le Havre.
  • At its other European refineries TotalEnergies is studying the production of SAF as early as 2025.
