Armstrong Report - The Business of Warehousing in North America – 2018 Market Size, Major 3PLs, Benchmarking Costs, Prices and Practices
This major market research report on North American warehousing provides updates on facility sizes, capacity, revenues, pricing (including e-commerce rates), and commodities handled. Operating margins are provided for contract warehousing operations. Expected operating margins and profitability measures are compared to actual results. Statistical analyses detail the effects of open book relationships and leasing, versus ownership on overall warehouse profitability. E-commerce logistics costs, 3PL revenue, growth rates, and for the first time, e-commerce fulfillment benchmark rates are also covered. In addition, warehouse rents and vacancy rates, customer service trends, key performance indicators, value-added services and warehouse management systems used and A&A’s list of Top 50 North American Value-Added Warehousing and Distribution (VAWD) third-party logistics providers list is included. This report is part of A&A’s premium market research Expert Information Service (E.I.S.). (Note: This report is downloadable as an Adobe PDF file with a single user license.)
This report is available to download today – if you would like a sample of the report please click here
Additional sample, table figures here