The Coolstar is a new online information resource for all those involved in the transport, storage and distribution of goods and products that have refrigerated and controlled atmosphere handling requirements.
Read by shippers, forwarders, logistics providers, carriers, ports and airports, The Coolstar connects through information. We provide breaking stories, original comment, news and research – as well as the best stories from around the world.
The Coolstar is published by The Loadstar Media Ltd.
About us
Alex Lennane is an experienced writer on aviation and logistics, with many contacts throughout the air cargo industry. She launched The Loadstar as a blog in 2010, and has helped it grow into a multi-modal logistics news site. She also edits the quarterly magazine Airline Cargo Management, and is Europe editor for the Seattle-based subscription news service, Cargo Facts. Alex won the Seahorse Supply Chain Journalist of the Year 2011, runner-up (2012), and was Journalist of the Year (runner-up) in both 2010 and 2011. You can contact Alex at [email protected].
Gavin van Marle joined The Loadstar from Lloyds List, where he was senior reporter. He was previously editor of IFW and before that Cargo Systems. He is editor of the quarterly publication Container Shipping & Trade. Gavin also works as a consultant on the sea freight industry, providing insight to shippers and other companies, and is the author of the forthcoming book Around the World in Freighty Ways: Adventures in Globalisation. Gavin has won numerous awards, including the Seahorse Journalist of the Year 2011 and 2009, and Supply Chain Journalist of the Year 2010 and 2014. You can contact Gavin at [email protected].
Rob Sturges provided many of the photos on The Coolstar. An experienced photographer, he regularly undertakes commissions from corporate clients, as well as putting on his own exhibitions.
You can contact Rob at [email protected]
Media information
Online sponsorship and sales
Jaye Tucker is commercial manager for The Loadstar, and covers media sales for The Coolstar. She can be reached on [email protected].
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If you would like to use some of our copy on your website, you are free to use the first three paragraphs of any article, but you must also clearly identify the source with The Coolstar logo, and link back to The Coolstar’s website. If in doubt, please contact us.
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The Loadstar Media Ltd has taken all reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the content of this site. However The Loadstar Media Ltd and its directors shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions.
Copyright ©The Loadstar Media Ltd 2015