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CAIRO, Egypt – 26 June 2018 – Admiral Mohab Mamish, Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority and Chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE), along with Mr. Tarek Sultan, Vice Chairman and CEO of Agility, a leading global logistics provider, today signed a Protocol of Cooperation, establishing a logistics center in East Port Said, one of the most important strategic sites on the Mediterranean Sea.

Under this protocol, Agility will develop a hub with international standard logistics infrastructure to enhance the importing and warehousing of raw materials, as well as the export and distribution of intermediate and final goods through the Suez Canal Ports. The logistics hub is part of the current expansion of East Port Said.

The company will also provide world-class solutions for Egyptian customs, including the modernization and automation of the customs processes. This will improve the speed at which commodities are moved and strengthen the supply chain in a fast and secure manner. These improvements, in turn, will help decrease supply chain costs for the industrial operations across the various areas of the economic zone.

“The establishment of the East Port Said project is in line with the Egypt 2030 Vision. It also achieves Egypt’s development goals in creating an integrated sustainable economic growth through the creation of new job opportunities and enhancing Suez Canal Zone status as a commercial and industrial hub.” Admiral Mohab Mamish said

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